Marcelo Garcia-style side control escapes in Rory McDonald vs JT Torres

Marcelo Garcia-style side control escapes in Rory McDonald vs JT Torres at Metamoris 5

Metamoris just released the footage for this match free on Youtube, which you can view here:

I was impressed by both athletes, but I really noticed Rory McDonald’s repeated use of the sit up escape and elbow push escape, which are favorites of mine.  See this post for more from me on these escapes:

This is definitely the most times I’ve seen them used in a competition match at such a high level.  Of course it helped that the match was 20 minutes long and JT Torres is such a good guard passer.

At 3:32, Rory used an elbow push to hip roll in response to a stack pass.


The commentators referred to it as the ‘Turkish get-up escape’ , which is an apt name.

At 4:24, a sit up escape.


As a bonus, around 11:55, Rory does an interesting mount escape where he put his hands on JT’s hips and popped his legs up in the air repeatedly until he got his guard back.  We’ve seen this before from Garry Tonon.

At 13:40, elbow push to counter a stack pass, in the top right of the video.


At 17:49, sit up escape to hip roll escape.


These are a great example of how effective these escapes are, to be used against a great top player like Torres.